
More player models mod 1.12
More player models mod 1.12

Tooltip: The tooltip was a requested feature from a player.If you want to disable this go into the F6 menu and set the Backtool option to false. Back Tool: The first item on your action bar will show on your back when you dont have it equiped.Its not a 100% perfect, but it should pick up most text.

more player models mod 1.12

Chat bubbles: Whenever other players say things it will display above their heads.More animations: Commands (/sit, /dance, /wave, /sleep, /hug, /cry, /angry, /bow, /wag, /crawl).If you are playing on a server without the plugin or mod installed you can only do the animations you have linked to buttons. You can also change what animation is done by what button in the F6 -> Edit Buttons menu. These buttons can be changed in the Minecraft Options > Controls. Buttons: Default buttons for animations are: Z, X, C, V and B.A character creation screen ( F12) to change your model.Certain commands will also cause your character to do special animations such as: waving, dancing, sleeping and more.

more player models mod 1.12

You also have the ability to turn into and play as any mob. It is extremely in-depth with tons of different options. This mod allows you to completely customize your character. More Player Models Mod (1.18.2, 1.16.5) allows you to change your model any way you want.

  • More Player Models Mod (1.18.2, 1.16.5) Download Links.

  • More player models mod 1.12